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Cuddly Kittens Statue H18cm, Resin

Cuddly Kittens Statue H18cm, Resin

Statue of two kittens giving each other a big cuddle, one sitting and the other standing against it with its tail wagging.

In brown resin

H 18 cm


Out of stock


► ☼ Will look great on a console or shelf

► Contemporary and soothing atmosphere

► Decoration of living room or bedroom

► Ideal gift for cat lovers

► Ideal gift for collectors


The cat symbolizes vigilance, it is the emblem of courage and independence.

It is an animal that has always been associated with the spiritual world.

It teaches us patience and the art of good timing for action and the courage to explore the unknown with confidence.

In Egypt, the cat is revered because Bastet, the Egyptian goddess of joy and music, is represented by feline features.

All felids come from Orion, the constellation of spiritual awakening and wisdom.

The cat is the 4th sign of the Chinese horoscope.

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