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Paravent bambou en bois vert et sculpture en verre représentant une flamme, déco nature et Déco Hôtels.
Vitrine Noël cadeau décoration zen design tendance
Green and glass oval decoration vase with air bubbles
Designer egg lamp in white ceramic, light through its holes
Nude woman gymnast statue, silver resin decoration, aged effect, living room design
AIRPLANE design metal sculpture to pose
Bamboo decoration screen separation and designer glass sculpture
Christmas showcase gift zen decoration trendy design
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Furniture, decorative objects And gifts

Art mural, tableaux, sculptures, statues, statuettes, figurines, oeuvres d’art, luminaire, chandeliers, cheminées, bougies, cadres végétaux, vases, soliflores, jardinières, fontaines, brumisateurs, porte-bouteilles, horloges, pierres semi précieuses…

Online store with a selection of furniture and decorative objects according to the ancestral principles of Feng Shui and Qi (Yin & Yang) for a harmonious interior and exterior atmosphere.

Objects are classified according to their material, METAL, WOOD, EARTH, but also in reference to the element to which they belong, FIRE or WATER.

The ANIMALS category lists the animal world in statues, cushions or images.

Those of Yin and Yang distinguish an interior decoration favoring rest, calm or, conversely, activity, movement.

Sculpture d'une élégante flamme métal sur un socle en fonte. La flamme se divise en deux parties, l'une avec un côté en inox et l'autre en miroir lui donnant ainsi vie et mouvement. art, objet décoration, mobilier intérieur, scupture déco symbiose couple, cercle metal déco, déco cadeaux

Wedding gifts, birthdays, Christmas, housewarming, Valentine's Day, Mother's and Father's Day, going away drinks, dinner invitations, thank yous, a pleasure...

YIN decoration

YANG decoration

ANIMAL decoration

METAL decoration

FIRE decoration

WOOD decor

WATER decor

EARTH decoration


It is both an intelligent, reasoned way of managing spaces over time and of referring to this energy which must circulate freely, Qi... like that of Tai Qi or Qi Gong.

Qi pronounced Chi is a natural energy, it is the vital force, this electromagnetic force in the space that surrounds us, which is everywhere and which we can feel. In India, it is called Prana, in the West it is energy or bioelectromagnetism.

Whatever the living room, each object has a place and is oriented to deal with the irritations, annoyances and attacks of our immediate environment, here the home.

Artisan House, Casablanca design, Glamm fire, Naga, Now’s Home, NV GALLERY, Rasteli, Thermobrass, Vical Home, WMG, Objet de curiosité,  Naturalys…

Pour la décoration d’intérieur et l’aménagement d’une agence, d’une salle d’attente, d’un espace d’accueil ou bureau

Unfavorable Qi:

A long straight line or a large corridor, the remedies :

⇒ Mirror, frames, paintings, light, vertical lines…

The protruding angle of a piece of furniture, remedies :

⇒ A plant or light next to the furniture, a sculpture on the furniture…

Remove broken, damaged objects, dust, clutter, objects that have been present for a long time... Don't have shelves behind your back.

Favorable Qi:

A refined atmosphere with a painting of an image that reflects good dynamics, a photo or statue recalling a good memory, a well-organized layout and storage, plants reminiscent of nature, pleasant brightness, a warmth in the room that it is provided by colors, shapes or materials….

Articles during the opening of the furniture, arts and decorative objects store in 2011, Magazine La Semaine and L'Est Républicain

Article presse 1

A new light on interior decoration

Article presse 2