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Round Moonstone Ring

Round Moonstone Ring

Discreet and daring, this silver ring set with a round moonstone will delight every woman. A timeless gift!

size 54 or 17.19 mm


Only 1 left in stock


This stone is sacred in India. It is said to generate a lucky future, protect against accidents and develop intuition.

We associate it with the femininity that it symbolizes as well as maternal tenderness and lovers. It also has the reputation of bringing gentleness, tolerance and marital happiness.

It is also believed to have virtues to promote the hormonal balance of women and therefore to stimulate fertility, support pregnancies, soothe the pain of menstruation and regulate the effects of menopause.
It is also known for its positive effects on digestion and stomach pain.
She also has a poetic power that could help artists struggling with inspiration.
Cette pierre est associée au 4ème chakra (chakra du coeur ou cardiaque) et aurait la vertu d’en faciliter l’ouverture. Elle aurait également un effet positif sur le 6ème chakra (chakra du 3ème œil ou frontal).


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